Lesson Plan Samples for First Aid Training

Posted on May 30, 2024 - Filed Under Uncategorized | Leave a Comment

Click here to download.

KBAT Dalam Pendidikan Moral SPM

Posted on July 9, 2023 - Filed Under Pendidikan Moral 2009 | Leave a Comment

Berikut ialah bahan bacaan untuk memahami KBAT dalam Pendidikan Moral:

Click here

Ulangkaji KSSM PM T4 (Peta i-Think)

Posted on March 23, 2022 - Filed Under Uncategorized | Leave a Comment

DSKP KSSM Pendidikan Moral Tingkatan 1 Hingga 5

Posted on March 18, 2022 - Filed Under Uncategorized | Leave a Comment

QR CODE DSKP KSSM Pendidikan Moral Tingkatan 1 Hingga 5



Jenis Emosi Moral atau Perasaan Moral

Posted on January 12, 2021 - Filed Under Uncategorized | Leave a Comment

Jenis Emosi atau Perasaan

Psikologi Perkembangan Sigmund Freud

Posted on December 27, 2020 - Filed Under Uncategorized | Leave a Comment

Panduan Rima Akhir Dalam Pantun Melayu

Posted on November 25, 2020 - Filed Under Uncategorized | Leave a Comment


Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan

Posted on November 25, 2020 - Filed Under Uncategorized | Leave a Comment

Falsafah Pendidikan Kebangsaan

A Test to Know the Career Suitable for You

Posted on December 8, 2019 - Filed Under Uncategorized | Leave a Comment


Kesalahan Tatabahasa Dalam Surat Rasmi

Posted on December 8, 2019 - Filed Under Uncategorized | Leave a Comment

Special credit to my BM teacher, Cikgu Majelmin who taught me in 1984

keep looking »
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